Thursday, July 17, 2008

Don't know what you've got...

...'til you're trying to give it away!

I'm in the middle of transitioning to a new job, throwing away things, reorganizing files, gathering info for my replacement, etc. And my new job is entirely different from what I'm currently doing, which means very little of my past 8+ years at Best Buy isn't coming with me. I didn't realize all I'm currently doing and all I've done until I started planning my hand-off.

YIKES! I'll do my best - with a little help from a glass of wine or two...or three...or...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I should be grateful...

Here I am, a thirty-something professional guy, in a position that most people would be thrilled to have. I've been invited (!) to investigate two different job opportunities - both in the same company in which I work currently - that would allow me to add value to employees' lives and do something really interesting every day.

And it's dragging me down. I hate leaving people in the lurch...and the timing for both positions could mean really throwing a wrench (albeit temporary) into the project timelines and resources. But that's not the kicker for me. I need a career that embodies service to others in tangible ways (doesn't have to be 100% tangible all the time) - something where I feel I'm really helping people in ways that are absolutely foundational to who they are and who they want to be. Right now, I don't feel my job gives me that. Others have argued that it does, but I'm not seeing it. I really can't see it! There's an indirect correlation there, but...I don't know...the flame has dwindled on that relationship.

PLEASE don't feel sorry for me. That's not what I'm looking for. Really, it's to put in writing the ridiculousness of my fretting over this situation, when I should really be grateful. And...I'll probably fret over it until a decision has been made. ;)


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Republican Convention - VOLUNTEER!

I'll start this new blog by asking for forgiveness for what may seem to be hypocracy. I'm going to plead with readers of this blog (are there any?) to volunteer at the Republican Convention in St. Paul, MN...knowing that I can't because I'm not sure if I'll even be in the country at that time (work-related).

I'm not a die-hard Republican...nor am I a lover of the Democratic party. Whether you side with one party or the other - the point is that we should all support the process that we have the freedom to have. The hateful words I've been seeing about "Republicans" is childish and uninformed - and frankly, for a country that values diversity and respect for the individual, it isn't very respectful to blanket all Republicans the same way.

That being said, this is also an opportunity to show the world that MN knows how to do democracy - that we know how to treat each other as human beings and support the overall process. Volunteering for this event does NOT mean that you've signed up to be a Republican or that you even support their views - it simply means that you are proud of your state and that you want all visitors to feel welcome to facilitate the process we hold dear to our hearts as United States citizens.

So...please give the volunteer coordinator a break and help out. If you aren't able to volunteer, at least be a proponent of peace between parties and don't contribute to negative, bashing conversation. To volunteer, click on the title of this blog.