Monday, June 30, 2008

It happened on June 20, 2008...

My first blog. Crazy. I've been told I'm opinionated - and long-winded - and supposedly have interesting things to say. A blog. Blog. What a weird word. Normally I don't do freestyle writing, but it's my blog, so I guess I can do that. Blog. Golb.

Much more interesting things will be posted here - trying to learn how to do this to be more effective at the work I do every day (which centers around technology strategies tied to corporate learning).

Will post again, soon.


Anonymous said...

What happened on June 20? Do you mean June 30? I love you and am looking forward to reading you! xoxoxoxox, R

TML said...

This is one of the many reasons why I love you. Yes...I meant the 30th...nothing like getting it wrong on my first blog... :) See you after work XOT

Anonymous said...

I am happy to see that you have started this blog. Congrats.